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Amateur Radio!

HooHaw!We Were Extra's In The Movie:
The Work And
 The Glory!


Welcome To The Amateur Radio Shack of K4VE!

First, Click Here To Read The Amateur Radio Story I Wrote For Our Local Paper:
Discover The World Through Shortwave Radio!

ARRL or The Amateur Radio Relay League
     These folks are to amateur radio what the AMA or the American Motorcyclist Association are to motorcycles. Join them, no excuses. You get a great magazine every month, they tell you about all upcoming events, test new equipment, there are stories about ham DXpeditions, (hamming from islands, exotic places, etc.), every month there are projects in the magazine to build. You can go online and buy fantastic books, etc. Great technical support too when you can't get an answer from the: "You Have Questions, We Have Blank Stares" store.  Join them, you'll not be sorry. You can also call them @ 800 326-3942 and they will send you information about becoming a ham. (Hey, if your already a ham give it to the kid next door and get him/her hooked on something with more of a future than walking the mall!) Curious about shortwave listening and ham radio in general? Click here for some great explanations and the start of an adventure!

Radio Manufactures:

Ten-Tec Manufacturing
Kenwood Amateur Radios                                                          

Qrp Rigs - Ham Speak For Low Power Radios
     (Be careful, QRP is addictive and has no known cure)

Wilderness Radio Suppliers of Low Power Kits
Elecraft High End Qrp Kit Radios
Ten-Tec Built Right Here In Tn. Warm Up That Soldering Iron!
Want More Links To QRP Radios, Operating, Clubs, Antenna Building, Etc? You Asked For It, Click Here!

Suppliers For Just About Anything Radio. Rigs, Antenna's, Towers, Tuners, Keyers, Etc. All Very Good People To Deal With, If You Would Like More Go To Google, Once There Type In "amateur radio" or "amateur radio supplier" and stand back.

Burghardt Amateur Center
Amateur Electronic Supply
Ham Radio Outlet
MFJ Enterprises
The Radio Works

Here's A Site For Amateur Radio Overload. How About 700 Amateur Radio Topics And 6,000 Links! Courtesy of AC6V

Amateur Radio And DX Reference Guide

Please check out this website. Its about an English lady Violette Szabo GC, who lost her husband in the war. She gave birth to their daughter and joined the SOE or Special Operations Executive during WWII. Among other achievements her call sign was GB2SZB. She was captured, only to be later shot by the Gestapo. Secret Agent Violette Szabo was the first lady to be awarded the George Cross. Posthumously awarded, her George Cross was given by the King to her four year old daughter. I personally hope the memory of this fine lady lives on to inspire future generations forever.

Violette Szabo Museum
British Special Forces Tribute To Violette Szabo

Here's a brilliant site for you. I met Dave, G4YTB years ago on 10mtrs. One day I heard a mobile station in England and I asked if he would go by G4YTB's QTH (house) and say hello for me as he stated he was only twenty minutes travel time away. (Was this luck or what!) Dave was outside his house and asked what the fellow wanted. He said: "I'm a radio amateur and I have a fellow in America, K4VE that wants to talk to you in my truck!" Surprised, Dave and this bloke ran upstairs to Dave's shack and we all shared a laugh. If you have never thought about amateur radio, give it a try. Make new memories that last a lifetime.
David Slade, G4YTB's website. Please tell him K4VE sent you.